Mike's Militaria Swiss TAZ 16 Camo Helmet Cover


Don't forget these...

That's right! You read that correctly. This is a SUPER hard to find pattern outside of the great country of Der Schweiz, or however you say Switzerland in Swiss/French/German/Italian/Romansch...... This pattern is super cool and incorperates the term "Swiss Armed Forces" in English, German, French, and Italian within the pattern itself, giving credence to the many languages and nationalities that make up Switzerland and its armed forces. A cool, and almost impossible to get (I've never seen it for sale) pattern that so many of us have wanted to see, and now you can get a sweet-ass helmet cover. 

These work on most PASGT clones, but also work on ACH/ECH designs, as well as M1 designs thanks to the drawstring attachment method. I tried to make these as universal as I possibly could utilizing the resources I have. Hand-made by me. 

I will only be doing size Medium/Large covers in this batch. Made from a Nylon/Cotton Ripstop. While supplies last, there is NO guarantee I'll ever be able to get this fabric again, so don't wait too long!